
Spark April 2022


Dear friends,

Being as we’re two-thirds of the way through Lent, and church work has been increasing these last couple months, I’ll offer you a brief string of items from my plate as they come to mind:





  • Many thanks to Frannie Moss for doing double duty on the organ during Lent!
  • Keep our sister church, Pilgrim Lutheran in Beaverton in your prayers as they work through the process of calling a pastor. 
  • While the pandemic is still with us, it seems like things are returning to the way they used to be. We thank God for that as well as pray there are no more surges in the spread of infection. 
  • Our preschool mission has soldiered on valiantly through the pandemic, thanks be to God, and our teacher, Kathy Prehm, aides Diana and Jane Burda, substitutes Jennifer Gatke and Leslie Abbott, office managers Jennifer Snellen and Ellen Kulle, the volunteers on our board of education led by Steve Perone, and your prayers and support. I feel it a great blessing to get to know each child by name, and get to know their individual personalities, as well as get to know the parents a little bit too. Our preschool continues to be a worthwhile, vital mission of our church.
  • I’m looking forward to Easter Sunday, where we will have the return of our breakfast in the church lower level, served by our youth group. I will be putting together a sunrise service (7 AM) and, weather permitting, we can worship as the sun rises and have a nice breakfast in the church afterwards. 

That’s all for now. May you continue drawing faith from the Holy Spirit as we enter into Holy Week and Easter. 

Pastor Don 

Youth worhsip leaders
Youth worhsip leaders

Youth Worship Leaders

In an effort to bring families with children to midweek worship during Lent, I’ve had the youth from Confirmation class be our liturgists at the evening services. My thanks go to Ashlynn Brenner, Elizabeth Johnston, Claire Baldridge, and Riley Baldridge for doing something many young people don’t get the opportunity to do, and for doing it well.  

“My thanks … for doing something many young people don’t get the opportunity to do, and for doing it well.”