Amazing things are happening with our ministry!  The chaplain has stopped in twice since our newsletter.  I thought I would continue to share updates with all of you because if not for this congregation, this ministry would not have happened.  As you know, there is a great need for so many that have so little and here is a story that the Chaplain shared with us.

Just know that you all have made a difference to people in need and God willing we will continue to serve him by serving his people in need.  Serving the Lord—one backpack at a time!     My humble thanks to all of you.   Ellen Kulle


Once again, we were blessed to be THE HANDS AND FEET OF GOD with a little help from a High School Senior.

Chaplain Parrish was contacted by a Westview Christian High School senior.  She was to do a Senior Project and she choose to put kits together for the homeless and provide them to Chaplain Parrish.  He in turn is grateful for our partnership with him and brought a lot of them to us to add into our backpacks.  We all know that God works in ways we can only imagine and his works usually come out when you least expect them.  So once again what we started here at St. Paul has been blessed by an outside force that can only be God’s hand working for his poor thru others that enhance our ministry.  These kits match what we put in our backpacks and I can only think that God put that list of items in that senior’s heart to help us continue what we started.  We welcomed them with joy as it helps us serve God’s people who are in great need.


If you would like one of these kits for your car, please call the office and we will make sure that you get one to give out.


As the need will increase with the warmer months, we need more backpacks to be able to continue this ministry.  They don’t need to be fancy, just sturdy enough to hold all the items we put in them.  God bless those who give to the poor.