
Sent to Serve

Hard to believe that it has been six months since preschooler’s and the preschool staff have been inside our classrooms. As preparations are being made to begin on-site learning for the new school year, there will be many new faces attending and working at our preschool.

We are thankful for all who will serve us during this school year. We are thankful for each one of them. Our preschool could not operate without them!

Our Bible Verse for the new school year tells of Jesus who came to serve us in a very necessary way. During the school year, we will hear about the most important servant for our preschool and for the whole world.

Jesus, the perfect teacher sent from God, teaches us the importance of serving. While the world thought that those who had important titles or positions were most important, Jesus taught that the ones who served others were most important.

Jesus teaches us the most important lesson of all. It is a lesson that will be our preschool theme for this year: “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matt. 20:28). We will hear Bible stories about how Jesus, the Son of Man, served during His earthly ministry. He served healing others. Jesus served by miraculously feeding thousands. More important than any of Jesus’ miracles was His going to the cross and giving His life as the sacrifice for all our sins. Only Jesus, the perfect Son of God, could serve in this way. Only the sacrifice of Jesus could pay for our pride and other sins.

Because we are blessed in receiving Jesus’ service through our Baptism, we are now blessed to humbly serve together this year. This year, we will serve one another and others in Jesus’ name.

In His Service,

Mrs. Prehm