Greetings in Christ Jesus,

Welcome to the Advent Christmas Season!  This is a time of celebration of Jesus arriving on planet Earth.  We send people into space to study and explore.  Christmas is about The God of Heaven coming from space to earth to save us from eternal death. Thanks and Praise to Him!  The Bible tells us Jesus became flesh and dwelt with us. Yet when He arrived there was no room for Him in the Inn or in the lives of people.

I pray that you have room for Him.  When you know guests are coming you prepare your home for them.  You may even prepare a room for their stay.  I encourage you to prepare room for Jesus in your heart, prepare room in your mind and in your body. Then you will truly celebrate the Advent Christmas Season.

There will be three Advent services on December 1, 8, 15, at 1:30 pm. In the Senior Center.  They will help prepare room for Jesus in your heart, mind, and body. All are invited to attend.  They are helpful for those who do not drive at night.

The Senior Saints will meet at 12 noon on those dates and will have Advent Soup Lunches.  Seniors, please come join us.  There will be no meetings on December 22, 29, and January 5.

Maxine and I pray that God will bless your Advent Christmas Season with His Peace, Love, and Joy.

In Christ’s Love,

Pastor Rich


Bingo the Basset Hound
Bingo the Basset Hound

 Hi folks,

          I am out about sniffing to see what I can find.    I hope your Thanksgiving was delicious and joyful.  I had a plate full of good dog chow.  I am looking forward to some tasty soup on Wednesdays at my place.  Hope to see you there.  If anyone wants to bring some Christmas cookies, I will happily sniff and test taste them.

 I have some holiday humor I sniffed out for you. 

  • What did Santa say when he stepped into a big puddle? It must have reindeer.
  • What is Santa’s dog’s name? Santa Paws.
  • What do grapes sing at Christmas? This is the season to be jelly.
  • What did the gingerbread man put on his bed? A cookie sheet.
  • What is Santa’s primary language? Give up?  It is North Polish.
  • Why are Christmas trees so bad at knitting? They have too many needles.

Hope these brought some smiles, not frowns.  Smiles are healthy for you.  I look forward to chatting with you in the New Year!


Love from Bingo,


Your Basset Hound from the Senior Center!