Vacation Bible School

Where: St. Paul Campus

VBS REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Vacation Bible School registration is open! At Breaker Rock
Beach VBS this summer we’ll learn about God’s solid truth in a world of shifting sands!
VBS is July 29 thru August 2nd from 9am to Noon. As always, we need volunteers to
make this happen. Last year a parent came up and thanked me for always having an
amazing VBS that is accessible to everyone. This is the only summer camp they are able
to send their children to since we donā€™t charge for our VBS. This is our biggest outreach event, help
us share the Love of Christ with our community. 

 Want to register, please visit our website:


Before being called as your pastor, Jill and I were members of Faith Lutheran Church in Mtn Home Idaho, Resurrection Lutheran Church in Cambridge, England, Fountain of Life Lutheran Church in Tucson, Arizona, St. John Lutheran Church in Ellisville, Missouri, and Messiah Lutheran Church in Weldon Spring, Missouri. All these churches had traditional midweek evening services during Advent, like those during Lent.

When I came to St. Paul in 2009, I discovered the midweek Advent services here are not like they are elsewhere in the LCMSā€”at least in the churches where I had been a member. Instead of three Wednesday evenings of worship based on a sermon series leading up to Christmas, the first one was occupied by the Yamhill Cantata. The second Wednesday consisted of a school Christmas program led by teacher Charlotte Brandt. The third one was a preschool program titled ā€œUnwrapping the Manger.ā€ This lineup has continued, except for the school program which ended in 2015. To replace it, I introduced a service of readings and carols led by our youth group.

Over the years Iā€™ve noticed while the Yamhill Cantata is usually well attended, there arenā€™t many people from our church in the pews. Most of those who typically attend it seem to be with members of the ensemble. Second, those who attended the preschool programs are mostly family members of the students. The youth group service also seems to be mostly attended by parents of the youth.

As if our Advent Wednesdays arenā€™t oddball enough, Advent 2022 showed itself to be unlike any I can remember. This year the Yamhill Cantata had the largest choir in its history and couldnā€™t fit in our sanctuary. For the second Wednesday, I prepared a service of lessons and carols like the ones at our Concordia University chapels. In attendance was myself, my wife, one son, and Frannie. The preschool program almost didnā€™t happen due to the flu, and the youth-led service was slightly better attended, but again, mostly by parents of the youth.

I did some digging into what the other churches in Sherwood are doing for Advent and guess what, ours is the only one offering anything like a worship service on Wednesday nights. St. Francis doesnā€™t count because they have daily mass anyways, and only in the afternoon.

If St. Paul Lutheran Church ever had traditional evening midweek Advent services, they didnā€™t stand the test of time. Compared to the rest of the synod, we have an alternative version which came into being for whatever reason and is not generally supported by the congregation. Perhaps you went to the first Yamhill Cantata and figured, ā€œseen oneā€”seen them all.ā€ Maybe the little children singing Christmas carols wonā€™t get you off the couch either because your kids or grandkids are not little children anymore. Along with that itā€™s dark, cold, and wet at 6:30 PM; the lines on the road are hard to see and you pray you donā€™t veer off into the wildlife sanctuary. For younger families, dinner, homework, and bedtime are a priority over church events. Iā€™ve noticed the same trend happening during Lent.

Thankfully, for those who donā€™t drive at night, there is the opportunity for midweek worship in the afternoons with the seniors during their Wednesday meetings. But as far as the evenings go, if the Yamhill choir has moved on to larger pastures, we should offer the first Wednesday night of Advent to the Firm Foundations Academy who are using our classrooms. Perhaps they might want to have their own Christmas program. Thereā€™s plenty of room in our sanctuary for families of 34 students. Our own preschool and youth group services will always draw in a handful of family members too. I welcome your thoughts on this possible change to next yearā€™s Advent services.

Backpack Project
Backpack Project
Backpack Project


To branch off of our St. Paul Lutheran church pantry we will be putting together care backpacks for Sherwood, Oregon, and surrounding areas for the homeless. This is an Outreach project for St. Paul in the Sherwood, Oregon community. 

These backpacks go with the officers as they patrol because they see first-hand where the need is and will hand these backpacks out to those people in dire need.

This is a way to help people who don’t have the means to come to our food pantry for help. 

If youā€™d like to help with this project please contact the office.  We will be working closely with the Sherwood, Oregon Police Departmentā€™s Chaplain.



Items neededā€¦

Backpack (new or gently used)

2 pairs

of socks

Hand & Feet warmers

Hand Sanitizer

Plastic bag (small for garbage)

Wet wipes for personal hygiene

Plastic poncho (for rain protection)

Emergency blanket (looks like tin foil/ Bi-Mart has them)

Small food items: Granola bars, packs of waterless tuna, cheese & crackers

Eating utensils-plastic

Kleenex, face mask, Band-aids

Bottle of water, juice box

Winter gloves, stocking hat (winter is coming)

Gift cards for hot food ($15 for Taco Bell, McDonald, Burger King, Subway)


If youā€™re unable to shop, monetary donations or Amazon gift cards are accepted through the office. THANK YOU!  For more information please call the St. Paul Lutheran Church office at 503-625-6648.  Donation receipts are provided upon request.