Hello everyone from Children, Youth and Family!
Happy February! I hope this month finds you all warm, cozy, and filled with the love of Christ. This is the perfect month to shine Christ’s amazing love for all to see. I challenge you to love everyone as Christ does. While waiting in line, stuck in traffic, in a meeting, these are great times to shine love to all around you. It’s truly life changing and the results will surprise you!
In Sunday school, we will be talking about love and Lent. With Ash Wednesday on the 22nd, we are going to work on what we can do to thank Jesus every day for saving us on the cross. We are still meeting in the Ed building at 9:40 to 10:30 for pre-K and elementary ages, middle and high schoolers will continue meeting with Pastor Don and the adults in the lower level of the church. Come join us!
Parents! Do you need an afternoon off? Could you use a couple hours to get things done while someone else entertains your kiddos? You are in luck! It’s Mini Mixer Time!! On Feb 5th all families are invited to join us for our bring your own picnic lunch in the Connect Center. We have lunch around 12pm. Pastor Don will give us all the details about our upcoming family camp at Camp Lutherwood this summer. Then after lunch, Parents can leave for a couple hours while your kids play Bingo, become comedians, and run off some of their energy. Parents get the afternoon off! Pick up time will be 3pm. Please RSVP to Pastor Don.
Do you have any ideas, suggestions, questions, and/or you want to volunteer?
My email is jennifergatke@stpaulsherwood.org
“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” –Romans 5:8
Jennifer Gatke
Youth Program Director
Youth Calendar Feb 23