Please join us at any of our services.
Sunday Worship Times:
Communion is on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month at both services.
8:30 am- Traditional Worship
A traditional setting with God’s Word, hymns, and beautiful liturgy. Fellowship and refreshments in the church basement immediately follow this service.
9:45 am- Christian Education for All
Summer months – All Children from 3 to 18 meet in the Connect Center on the East end of our Campus
Fall thru spring – Ages 3 to 5 in the Library (Education Building behind church), Ages 6-10 in the Connect Center (East end of property), Ages 11 to 13 in the Old School House (East end of the Property), 14 to 18 Pastor’s Office in the Education Building, and Adult Christian Education Hour in the Church Basement are offered.
10:45 am- Service of Word and Praise
Our Service of the Word and Praise includes a Children’s Message and worship music led by our praise team.
Outdoor Worship! 
During the summer months (weather permitting) we like to worship in “The Grove”. Here at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Sherwood, OR we are blessed to have about 12 acres of land that allows us to enjoy outdoor worship area tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the world around us. Please join us from the first weekend in July to Labor Day Weekend.
Large Print Bulletins & Portals of Prayer Available.
If you are in need of materials with larger print, we have bulletins available from the ushers on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in large print Portals of Prayer (daily devotions), please contact the church office.
Attention Home-bound members:
If you would like a copy of Sunday sermons please call the office and we can mail them to you. Or check out our Sermons link to hear them online.
St. Paul Lutheran Church’s Location:
St. Paul Lutheran Church is Conveniently located just off Roy Rogers Road in Sherwood, OR. We have two entrances – 1) off Cedarview Way, which takes you in closer to our church building, education building (which houses our offices and preschool), and senior center and 2) off Roy Rogers Road that takes you in closer to the old school house and the cemetery and Possible with God – our donation Closet.