Declaring & Teaching – Jesus is Lord !

Gracious, what a word.

Psalm 51:1 tells us, “Be gracious to me, God, according to Your faithfulness. According to the greatness of Your compassion, wipe out my wrongdoings.” While Psalm 145:8 indicates “The Lord is gracious and compassionate; Slow to anger and great in mercy.” John a popular biblical name means ‘God has been gracious.’  What does this word mean to you as we move forward together in our faith walk? Has God been Gracious to you? Have you been Gracious to your neighbors?


Well, today is a new day and opportunities abound for us to slow down and breathe in the Lord’s Grace and to show Grace to each other as we search for the way He would have us go. Where is He leading us as individuals and as His Church Body here at St. Paul? Is this current season of separation over? Is it safe to come out and worship together and for the young and young of heart to get outside and play with friends and others?  We will all need to answer these questions for ourselves and the Lord will continue to lead and guide us in the way that He would have us go.


What’s new?

A couple of things:

There is a new Family Style Bible Study Sunday School that has kicked off at 10:00 AM on Sundays. We are starting with a review of the Church Calendar including reading and exploring the scriptures contained in the three-year lectionary. I have ordered some literature to help bring the scriptures ALIVE to our youth and others who are encouraged to attend. The hope is that by having a family-style study the greatest number of participants can attend and also find nourishment in His Word. It might be a little different and the time is different, but we hope that some of our more senior members from the first service will stick around for fellowship and help by sharing and contributing some of their wisdom with a new generation who are eager to learn of God’s Grace and Love.


Summer Camp, we are looking at the possibility of having a camp that will run for approximately four weeks starting on about June 23 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. We have located a potential director and will be meeting with her shortly to develop the program. It is really just going to be a time and place where kids can come to play and have some fun outdoors doing what kids are supposed to do, HAVE FUN !  We will need leaders and volunteers of all ages. If this sounds like something you would be interested in participating in, please let me know.




Reminders from last month’s article are quickly approaching:

  • Neighbor 2 Neighbor Event May 8, 2021: Still need volunteers to help seniors with yard work, window washing, and/or gutter cleaning. We found out that Dottie Buss had signed up with N2N and Debbie and I will be headed to her place Saturday morning on the 8th to work on the items noted. Hope others can join us to expand our effort. It is a little late for any seniors needing help to contact N2N, but if you contact the church office with some details on what you need to be done, we will do our best to get-er-done on the 8th.


Other items to look forward:

  • Dog Nose Work Event is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, June 4 & 5. There will be NO access to the campus for church members except for people wanting to observe the event. In the past there have been around fifty participants who come from all over the Northwest with their four-legged friends to participate in the Nation Association of Canine Scent Work It is really quite amazing to watch the enthusiasm of the handlers and dogs alike. If you are interested there is more information and some videos on their website NACSW.NET Come and enjoy a Cappuccino or your favorite beverage at 10:00 AM on Saturday 6/5 on our new balcony (deck) off the library.  
  • Robin Hood Festival: The festival and parade will be July 16-17; looking for a few leaders and volunteers for the float committee.
  • Vacation Bible School: VBS is set for August 2-6 and our theme is Outer Space! We will be doing Miraculous Missions based on John 3:16


Tim Grace